Simple Daily Sacred: Everyday Spiritual Nourishment with 5 Ingredients (You Already Have)
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You know the world is beautiful and full of magic.
You can feel it. Somedays you can see it in the way the sunlight slants through the alder leaves, or the way your kid solves a problem on their own, or the way a hurt quietly becomes less tender over time, with little conscious effort on your part. You have had moments of clarity and insight that have left you breathless with the possibility of a world intelligent and alive and of which you are a part.
But also: many days you’re barely keeping your head above the water.
It’s pretty much all you can do to keep the kids alive and relatively healthy, keep the business running, show up for all the clients, colleagues, employees and family who rely on you. Meanwhile you’re (marginally) tracking the news cycle, and know how much the world is shifting and suffering for want of change. You show up in the ways that you can: you vote, you march, you write a newsletter on climate justice, you donate, you try to support local black and brown-owned businesses. You start most mornings with so much resolve and so many goals; but by the end of the day, the guilt of having not done enough weighs heavy.
You know self-care is good for you, so you exercise and eek in a bath or heaven help you a nap now and then.
But you also know that there’s something more.
A slower, deeper wisdom inside and around you. You know this in your bones. You have an inkling there’s something bigger out there, or something deeper inside, something life often moves too quickly to catch a glimpse of. Some call this spirituality, some call this just living awake or in the flow. Some call it a relationship with the Divine, the Universe, the Ancestors, your own soul or inner wisdom.
Sounds good, right? A way of feeling a little more plugged in, a little less frantic? A way of daily downloading your own Spirit’s wisdom, and feeling purposeful and clear? Some practical guidance for not just being a cog in the machine, but to be a strong, resilient anchor of goodness for yourself and your kin?
Sounds real good.
But maybe you feel like you don’t know the right words or rituals…
Or maybe you’ve never been part of a spiritual community…
Or maybe you have had a religious upbringing, but got burned or disillusioned or traumatized by traditional “church”…
If that’s you: you are in the right place.
This is a place to start. Having a spiritual life doesn’t have to look like getting struck by the Light of the Lord on the road to Damascus, or sitting in a mountain cave till enlightenment finds you. It can start with these five ingredients you are already doing or already have.
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